Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Crafty Ginger: FO - Bamboo Clapotis

Crafty Ginger: FO - Bamboo Clapotis


I am officially the last person on earth to make a clapotis. My lys was having a sale. Did I mention I love my lys Nana's Knitting Shop in Oak Lawn. Hi Cory!!!! I purchased Schaefer Yarn that is 50% Silk/50% Wool and it is a dream to work with. I will post pictures. I have already wound them up into balls. (I have to get a yarn winder!). I will post pictures of my wip and the yarn. It is gorgeous. I am making the smaller version because I didn't realize that I needed 400 grams and I have 238. The original is so big that even a smaller one will be sufficient. And....that just gives me an excuse to go back and get that Noro I've been eyeing for 3 months! to my knitting.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Rasta Hat

This was made after watching knitty gritty. The designer is one I admire for her creativity. I copied down as much as I could and then went on the web and wrote down the rest of the pattern (my printer is down). I've made 5 rasta hats so far and there are 2 on the needles. I'm on to dishcloths and baby clothes now for all the spring babies due.
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Besotted Scarf

This is the besotted scarf for my sweetie made on Valentines Day from It is an awesome pattern and my first cabled project. I used a double pointed needle instead of a cable needle. I used Shetland Chunky Tweed yarn and size 11 needles. It took about 2 weeks.
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Sunday, March 25, 2007

This is me and I love to knit. I am a business banking officer by day and an avid knitter every chance I get. I have two pre-tweens that keep me very busy (I feel like a chauffer sometimes) and I'm directing a musical production. I love to read and I knit during Law and Order mostly. I like other shows too. I can't knit during Grey's Anatomy; I'll end up ripping and re-doing that row a couple of times. I've learned the hard way. My greatest knitting accomplishment is the Besotted Scarf. I made it for my Boo for Valentine's Day. Once I get this blogging down, all of the pics will be here.
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Dishcloth Heaven

I'm kinda new to the blogging community. I promise to post more about me in the future. This is my second dishcloth made. Its the first with a picture pattern counting stitches and all. I've always been into mindless knitting. However, lately I've been into the stuff I never thought I'd do. Hence, the dishcloth. I have a wip of the Angel of Welcome and will post that soon.
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